It is well known and well understood that major setbacks can induce certain people to lose hope and become stressed or even depressed.
But it is relatively rare that we experience major setbacks like job loss, divorces or failure in examination.
But even then , it is very difficult to find people who are not stressed out. People often become stressed in reaction to minor everyday annoyances like power cut, internet disconnection or when someone else's behavior smacks of ill will.
one common reason for the high prevalence of stress amongst people ( including me) is that we unknowingly deny the universal truth that " Life is not a bed of roses "
psychologists call this Low Frustation Tolerance.
People often have difficulty reconciling to the fact that frustation and annoyance are a part of human existence. People often expect things to go as they want , and are unable to tolerate when this doesn't happen. People then go on to catastrophising the situation, erroreneously believing the current source of frustation will ultimately ruin them . A student who has just performed poorly on a single test can catastrophise the situation and paint doomsday scenarios about his future life.
people with LFT may expect other people to be always good to them and never behave in a way they don't approve of. Failure to realise that other people are not bound to always please us , can lead to feelings of hostility and anger.
People with LFT can develop a complaining nature, and can have negative perceptions of people and the world.
Less obvious is the fact that LFT can induce procastrination . We might seek immediate pleasure instead of facing something that is necessary but likely to induce annoyance and frustation. This can force us to delaying essential tasks , just because we are scared of the annoyance we are likely to encounter if we take up the task.
What then, is the way to reduce stress arising out of LFT ? Simple, we should try develop High Frustation tolerance .
To accept frustration is to acknowledge that, while we may dislike it, there is no Law of the Universe says we ‘should’ be exempt from it (though we may prefer to be). we should expect to experience appropriate negative emotions like annoyance and disappointment. But we should avoid exaggerating these emotions into depression, hostile anger, hurt, or self-pity.
6 years ago
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