I have always wondered about the priorities of the Indian State. The Indian State is notorious for its failure to ensure that even the most basic needs of its citizens are met. The government healthcare and education infrastructure in even the largest cities is apalling. Virtually no one who can afford treatment at a private hospital would ever visit a government run hospital. ( The only time when i visited AIIMS in Delhi was when i was severely mentally ill and was deluded that i was pennyless ) The rural population has virtually no access to proper healthcare or education services, so the poor folks are forced to board a train to Delhi and seek treatment at the already overcrowded AIIMS. With due respect for India's premier state medical institution, my experience with AIIMS have been pretty bad- the psychiatrist i was sent to, did not seem to be familiar with even the most routine treatments. **
Whats more, even the private healthcare infrastructure doesnt seem to be adequate, atleast for mental health. The GOI website prouldy proclaims that India has the lowest ratio of mental health professional to population, at about 1 in a million. What it means at the ground level , is that even if you live in a posh upmarket colony of a state capital, you are not likely to find a psychiatrist in your vicinity. Thats because the Indian government doesn't consider healthcare to be a priority; as an example , consider the fact that the Indian State funds and patronises homeopathy ; which is a comprehensively disproven theory-- Scientists have conclusively established that homeopathic remedies are no more effective than placebos, , its not plausible that such remedies are effective-- But the huge amount of accumulated evidence against homeopathy is not sufficient for the Indian Government to withdraw its support to homeopathy; it has instead sought to promote homeopathy by providing false information to the public. ( Advertisements proclaiming the " benefits " of homeopathy have been erected all along Delhi Metro ) Shameful !
Yet the same Indian government which doesn't have funds for hospitals and schools, cannot ensure even the most basic services to its citizens , finds it convenient and necessary to launch a mission to the Moon. Although its true that providing inspiration and motivation to the younger generation , especially science students,is necessary, wouldn't the money be better spent if it was used for improving government hospitals , schools and colleges--or for that matter, improving public transport in congested Indian cities by constructing more Metro rails throughout the country? Its no secret that urban infrastructure is inadequate for the largely growing population , yet the government considers it necessary to launch a mission to the moon rather than improving basic services. Recently , a person from Delhi remarked that although Indian scientists have discovered water on the Moon, water supply to homes still remains erratic,insufficient and contaminated.
The urban middle class can afford Water Purifiers to protect themselves from water-borne diseases, but the poor have to suffer from periodic episodes of diarrhea,and worse hepatitis* and cholera. The Indian State can fund a program to find water on the Moon, but apparently its unable to find money to provide clean drinking water to its denizens. And where do the hepatitis-infested patients go ? To government hospitals, where services are , well, less said, the better...
.. This for a country, whose Constitution declares it to be a " Welfare State " . If Public Welfare was Space Missions to the Moon, nuclear submarines, large statues and memorials, Indians would have been the most prosperous of people.
**- the AIIMS doc prescribed an anti-epilepsy drug , along with an antidepressant. I fail to understand why would an anti-epilepsy drug be needed for treating a fairly routine case of major depression, when there was no reason to believe that the patient would not respond to standard antidepressant medication. moral of the story-- use google to verify any prescription by a goverment doctor.
* -what is commonly referred to " jaundice " in india , is termed " acute hepatitis " in medicine.
I just came to know that Australia ( which has #2 ranking in the Human Development Index ) , still doesn't have a Space Agency.
6 years ago
gosh... i dnt know whr to begin. u r right and u r wrong.