I am amazed at the self destructive tendencies prevalent in the Indian society.. tendencies that prevent India from becoming a prosperous country, which are not only illogical and irrational but also contradict the priorities and aspirations of the people..And whats more surprising is that such tendencies are not only justified but also promoted ; and such self-destructive habits are not rigid but tend to change as per the changing times; but their basic nature of being self destructive and wasteful, persists..
One doesnt need a PhD in economics to understand that if almost half of the potential workforce remains economically unproductive, the nation can never expect to achieve its full potential. Increased family incomes would lead to greater spending , which in turn lead to higher growth rate, more profits for the companies , which in turn would lead to even greater salaries, and further spending, and even further boost for the economy, and this would become a self-sustaining cycle..But the overwhelming majority of Indians deny knowing this simple principle , and continue to justify their old ways of life using all sorts of vague and outdated logic.. It is conviniently forgotten that double income households have become the international norm; and for good reason.. its no longer possible to live a decent life style on just one income... but Indians would find it more convinient to resort to corruption than to switch to more ethical and logical ways to increase the family income..
And even more amazing is the usual blame game . Chauvinistic attitudes prevalent among males are usually held responsible for this sorry state of affairs.. But its quite evident that besides the usually quoted reason, its a fact that females are also complicit in creating this situation.. Indian females never think it necessary for themselves to plan their careers.. the only aim of most young indian women is to find a rich husband; education is not a means of finding employment , but solely a means to find a rich husband; its a sorry fact of present-day India, that girls would acquire State-subsidized education solely for personal gains.. The Indian State has never stressed the fact that educational subsidies exist because it is expected that the beneficiaries would pay back the country when they get employed and contribute towards the growth of the country..Its so common these days to find women with professional qualifications like B.Tech , sitting at home after marriage..They never have a sense of duty towards the nation and just have concern for their personal gains and comforts..This, I am sorry to say, is an extreme example of hypocrisy; the same individuals would fume at attempts to curtail womens' educational rights; but how conviniently they forget that rights and responsibilities are two sides of the same coin, if they have acquired the right to get educated , they also ought to take up the responsibility of earning..The usual excuse of such individuals is that they find maintaining such demanding jobs like business management or technical jobs , very tough due to their additional responsibilities of home and childcare... Well, thats a very lame excuse: since childhood, they have jolly well known that they would have to assume special responsibilities after motherhood; they ought to have planned for it and taken up careers that are not so demanding (like teaching or academic careers) . But most Indian women would rather go for expensive professional qualifications like business management; their intention not being finding (and maintaining ) employment, but finding a rich husband..When you ask college girls if they would like to take up teaching, they would say , they would rather like to go for management because it pays much more.. but their actual intention is not to get a good job, but to marry a rich man.( and then sit at home and watch saas bahu serials all day)
Organisations like National Commission for Women, who would relentlessly campaign for womens' rights, also seem to ignore the fact that rights and responsibilities ought to go together.. And the fact that most Indian women are not financially independent , further strengthens the chauvinistic attitudes already prevalent in the male population..Such individuals are doing a great disservice for their country and society..
6 years ago